Discursive redundancy and performativity of contemporary media sphere

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №1(1)

Discursive redundancy and performativity of contemporary media sphere

About the author:

Natalia N. Belozerova, Dr. Sci (Philol.), Professor, Department of the English Language, University of Tyumen; eLibrary AuthorID, natnicbel@gmail.com


The author, upon the analysis of current processes in the media sphere introduces the term “discursive redundancy” and arrives at following conclusions. The processes in the current media sphere can be defined as “discursive redundancy”, as the speech event tends to take the priority. In the vast communicative sphere of contemporary mass media, including the Internet a real event or a fact is shifted from the centre to the periphery or becomes merely a growth point, if to use a fractal model. Commentaries, growing in number, in dependence upon the quantity and quality, as well as the politics of particular media occupy the whole of information sphere. Infringements in presenting information can be traced at the level of the referential and expressive functions. Speech event, occupying the central position, the performativity of an utterance and a separate word dominates, as the impact of speech acts is the same as the impact of real events. Performativity can be classified according to the level of causativity. Performative formula can be presented as PSA (Perlocutive Speech Act — status quo change). Performative causality can be inverted. The level of performativity depends upon the media policy, and upon the attitude of a potential reader to the information. In contemporary mass media performativity is connected with the usage of the invective and an “invective name” as the latter is one of the types of performativity. When “trolling” takes place both invectivity and performativity are explicit. In its turn discursive redundancy causes the shift of the centre in the structure of the time and space deixis. If discursive redundancy can be regarded as a newly acquired quality, i.e. a variable, performativity is a constant, i.e. an inherent quality of a speech event.


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