Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. Philosophy. 2014

Culture and civilization

About the authors:

Elena N. Yarkova, Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Professor, Department of Philosophy, Tyumen State University; mimus.lena@mail.ru

Yuri V. Larin,
Alexander V. Pavlov,


The article studies the problem of interrelation between culture
and civilization and three approaches to the problem are presented: the mediation
approach (E. Yarkova), the culture-сentric approach (Yu. Larin) and the normative
approach (A. Pavlov). The authors analyze the logic-conceptual aspects of the problem
of interrelation between culture and civilization and study the process of logical
formation of various interpretations concerning the interrelation of these two concepts.
A supposition is put forward that the inverse logic which absolutizes polar concepts is
being superseded by the mediation logic which is aimed to establish relations among
different concepts. Various interpretations of the interrelation between culture and
civilization are considered and the general review of the major theories is made.
The authors postulate the generating function of the concept of culture in the framework
of modern science; the object of studies concerning the concept of civilization is
formulated and the mechanism of its formation is analyzed. Finally, a conclusion is
made about a high relevance of such studies for practice.


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