Professonalism and corporatism in ethics dimension

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. Philosophy. 2014

Professonalism and corporatism in ethics dimension

About the author:

Galina A. Tyumentseva,


The article is concerned with the problem of professionalism and
corporatism correlation both in historical and logical aspects. The research is carried
out in the ethical context. Thus, traditional problems of labor and professional morals,
and also standards of corporate ethics, developing in the society, function as specific
markers to identify modern public and labor situation. In particular, the choice of a work
place either in a corporation or in a professional group is treated sometimes as the
choice between service and ministry, that gains a character of moral choice. Therefore,
the article accentuates not only a direct conflict of social indicators of professionalism
and corporatism, but also their indirect interaction. The organization phenomenon
acts as an intermediary in this case. The organizational nature of corporatism and
professionalism allows to consider them not as an opposition of fundamental ethical
principles, but as “morals minimum”


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