Social and artistic value of computer technologies in screen culture

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. Philosophy. 2014

Social and artistic value of computer technologies in screen culture

About the authors:

Andrey G. Zaprudin,
Mikhail N. Shcherbinin,
Dr. Philos. Sci., Professor, Department of Philosophy, Institute for the Humanities, Tyumen State University


The article discusses the impact of effects on the perception of the
viewer, on the process of creating a movie. The authors indicate the positive and negative
aspects of computer graphics and impact of mass media on screen culture. Considering
the psychological aspect of screen culture, the authors argue that cinema contributes to
the harmonization of human consciousness, consistent with the wishes of people to see
a happy ending as a result of the real events. Thus, cinematography functions as a kind
of psychological safeguard, a protective mechanism that will save human awareness
of the harsh reality. Talking about the location of visual effects in the history of modern
cinema, the authors note its dual nature. The boundaries between professional and
amateur filmmakers are increasingly blurring due to a wide range of specialized tools
available for various groups of people. And yet, the authors conclude, it is possible to
talk about the undoubted importance of visual effects, not only in terms of colorful
images, but also in terms of the meaning.


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