Scientific reseach as a basic structural unit of cognition as the human activity (the case of place and role of the description and the explanation in the scientific cognition)

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. Philosophy. 2014

Scientific reseach as a basic structural unit of cognition as the human activity (the case of place and role of the description and the explanation in the scientific cognition)

Author: Sergey M. Halin

About the author:

Sergey M. Halin, Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Professor, Department of Philosophy, Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Tyumen;


The article is devoted to substantiation of the ontological and theoretical
hypothesis that scientific research is a main structural unit of the scientific and
educational activity and is virtually some kind of the form of cognition movement.
The author points out that philosophers, logicians and methodologists of science do
not pay sufficient attention to scientific research as a process of human activity.
The author turns to domestic practices of this subject in the 60-80s of the 20th century
and analyses corresponding approaches. The author’s interpretation of the stage structure
of every scientific research is given in the article as well as its general scheme: initial
description — search — final description. The significance of the author’s development
of investigation stage structure for further elaboration of the author’s metacognition
concept as one of the major kind of cognition, along with natural and socio-humanitarian
sciences is being emphasized. The author marks the necessity of further elaboration
of concrete definition for scientific research general scheme by introducing the following
notions: elementary research, compound research, and compound complex research.
The author expects to give a proper account of his ideas in the follow-up article in this


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