Rationality limits in the solution of environmental problems

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. Philosophy. 2014

Rationality limits in the solution of environmental problems

About the author:

Olga V. Zakharova, Cand. Sci. (Phylos.), Head of the Green Solutions Lab Project Office, Associate Professor, Department of State and Municipal Administration, Carbon Measurement Test Area in Tyumen’ Region (FEWZ-2024-0016), University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia; o.v.zakharova@utmn.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1404-4915


The article investigates the problem of limited opportunities of a rational
approach to the solution of environmental problems. It is noted, that promoting
knowledge about the environment does not guarantee that the humanity will minimize
damage caused to it or will change the exploitative treatment of nature. Therefore, the
need of the appeal to extra rational aspects of nature perception is indicated in the
paper, namely, to the opportunities of esthetic perception of nature. The paper makes
an attempt at revealing the potential, opening the use of esthetic-anthropological
approach in the analysis of perception of the surrounding world. It is emphasized,
that in case of esthetic perception, a person sees the harmony of nature extrarationally
streamlining the relationships with the world around, discovering their place in the
world and their new personal qualities. Thus, the esthetic perception of nature expands
rational knowledge of it, reveals the place of a human in the world in a new way and
can become a reliable foundation of distribution of ecological ideas. In addition, the
article discusses the issue of figurative registration of social experience in relation to
objects of the natural world.


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