The author of the article attempts to approbate scientifically the
advanced methodology of phenomenological reduction in the field of the аestheticanthropological
concreteness through the example of studying musical thinking.
The research shows that the establishing of phenomenological epoche is characterized
by the explication of an intentional horizon of primary musical experiences which are
equivalent in their noetical nature to a complete stream of pure consciousness experiences
and therefore generating noematical senses of musical-intentional language and,
accordingly, musical-intentional thinking. The required “general order” to which musical
thinking aspires is constituted through the live dynamics of noetic-noematical structures
of the intentional reason that is carried out in acts of intersubjective communicative
development (knowledge) of “the Vital world” (Lebens Welt by E. Husserl). A man is
a subject of phenomenological process of knowing the world which is diverted into
the sphere of aesthetic-anthropological intentions by means of the musical thinking
understood as the epiphenomenon of the intentional reason. In this process a man feels
the world “alive” and realizes it as the “music-world” (A.F. Losev).
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