The article is aimed to demonstrate the current trend in philosophical
studies to negate the category of truth which becomes obvious in the scientists’ attempts
to name it differently, to replace it with the concepts of reliability, credibility, and sense.
Such position of denying the need for the concept of truth, leads to a case of paradoxical
self-reference: if there is no truth, then whatever is argued by postmodernists and Russian
scientists following them is also not true. Therefore, the consistent implementation
of postmodernism conceptions causes their self-destruction. The authors believe that
the category of truth remains the central concept of epistemology up to this day, and
the right theory of truth is the classical theory of truth, or the correspondence theory.
It may include some reasonable principles and conceptions of coherence, pragmatism
and conventionalism. It is shown that neither the absence of any doubt, nor the benefit,
nor the majority’s opinion, nor the declaration of an authority are not the criteria
of truth. The major criterion of truth is the empirical evidence. Its basic component is
a statistically significant observation. It operates as a pure observation or an observation
in practices, including experimentation. The criteria of truth derived from empirical
evidence include logical provability, heuristic judgment, simplicity and beauty.
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