The article investigates the constitution process of a body aspect in the
theory of aesthetic and anthropological ideal. The research offers a definition of this
ideal, regarded as a subject of culture. The aesthetic-anthropological ideal cannot be
conceived without a concept of bodyness (which is related to the knowledge of a human
body and, moreover, to constitution of the knowledge of the Self). The research involves
the analysis of human body knowledge formation exemplified by scientific discourse,
namely, medical discourse. Considering the relations within a language and its division
into discourses, one important aspect in the experience of new knowledge acquisition has
been pointed out. Knowledge transfer can be the result of language tools application, for
example, analogy. Analogy connects different discourses. Due to analogy, the unknown
is revealed on the basis of the known and a researcher gets an opportunity to constitute
the knowledge about reality, including the concept of the human body. The mechanism
of knowledge formation allows to point out artistic elements of scientific knowledge
of the human body in the framework of a certain culture and explore the formation
of human self-knowledge.
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