The notions of relevance and timeliness, even if referred to people’s
behavior, are not commonly thought as having the accentuated ethical content and, more
than that, they are not considered universally important. Their regularity is considered
to be within the framework of etiquette or special professional needs. However, the tempo
of modern life, its technical and technological intensity as well as the interdependence
of social roles transform people into actors of a giant production line. In a way, they
also become actors of an enormous social drama, where the importance of the classical
triad of Place, Time and Action is not as essential as the addressed to everybody claim
“Bring yourself in the needed time into the needed place, ready for needed behavior!”
In the article an attempt is made to give this claim the meaning of a timely ethical rule,
to clarify the logics of the stated actualization in the context of ethos evolution up from
pra-moral (ancient form) to proto-moral (modern form). Relevance and timeliness are
considered to be counterpoints of such evolution.
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