About the authors:
Vladimir P. Melnikov,
Victor B. Gennadinik,
Vladimir O. Domansky, Researcher, Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (Siberian branch, Tyumen)
In the era of informational revolution most of natural sciences tend to
employ new methodological tools: intense systematization of previously accumulated
material, developing a common terminology, common approaches to the description
of objects and subjects of study. However, there are a number of specific features
of cryology that make the organization of knowledge in this field more necessary
and urgent than in other geological and geographical sciences. These features
normally can be explained by the specific character of the object of cryology studies,
i.e. Earth’s Cryosphere. We have identified three factors determining the specific nature
of Cryosphere, namely the abnormal thermodynamic and electromagnetic properties of the
ice, the intermediate intensity of the hydrogen bond of H2O in the state of aggregation
and frequent occurrence of cryogenic conditions, processes and structures. The basic
methodological base of cryology is determined as the modeling of an informational
space of cryological information, i.e. modeling of a system of concepts, their clear and
consistent definitions. The core of this information space should be the ontology “Earth’s
Cryosphere” which will provide a common terminology for this multidisciplinary science,
the convergence of its diverse components and the systematization of the information.
The result is the transformation of the data and knowledge into easily retrieved and
used information resources.
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