Exploring the «Philosophy» of an Impressionistic Painting field of
research, the paper focuses on such kind of fundamental aspect as a problem of space
and time. Novelty and objective of this research is in attempt to find an origin of
the space-time concept of an impressionistic painting within the framework of two
philosophical systems: West European and Far Eastern (Japanese).
Research results substantiate our assumption that the category of impressionistic
time and space reflects new for European tradition mentality, breaking through positivist
limits of the age. Space-time concept of impressionists happens to be closer to Japanese
world perception and philosophical tradition (Zen Buddhism) in respect to its aims
and choice of artistic devices, as well as interrelations between spaces of a picture,
artist and spectator. Reviewed sources make it possible to conclude that impressionists
for the first time ever transfer from the European tradition of existential consistency
towards an unstable subject-temporal concept, confirming continuous cooperation
between categories of space and time, and dominance of the latter
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