The Eucharist Aesthetics and its Impact on Society

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. Philosophy. 2013

The Eucharist Aesthetics and its Impact on Society

About the author:

Igor B. Muravyev,


Through the example of different understanding of the Eucharist
in Orthodoxy and Protestantism the paper demonstrates a role of sensibility and
aesthetics in the process of self-understanding of the human and society, in formation of
aesthetic-anthropological ideal, which underlies social culture. Distinct aesthetic features,
involved into the orthodox sacrament of Communion, contribute to consolidation of
social unity of believers and let them consider the universal (catholic) church experience
as the supreme authority.
As a rule rational and semantic features of the Eucharist come to the fore
in Protestantism, when sensitive ones withdraw into the shadows. In some protestant
confessions the Community turns to be considered as spiritual nourishment with the
Word of God, i.e. as acceptance of truths, contained in the Holy Writ. Diminution of
the sensibility role contributes to forming of aesthetic-anthropological ideal, which
lies in the background of rational culture, alien to mysticism, which consecrates the
routine of rational practice and critically approaches an accomplished collective church
Dedication and appeal to sensibility contribute to increase of confidence to the social
unity experience. Sacralisation of such experience leads to its canonisation and builds
a socio-centrist hierarchical model of society, which is very stable on the one hand,
and hardly develops, on the other.


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