Figure and Image in Antagonism between the Figurative and Expressive

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. Philosophy. 2013

Figure and Image in Antagonism between the Figurative and Expressive

About the authors:

Irina N. Pupysheva,
Mikhail N. Shcherbinin,
Dr. Philos. Sci., Professor, Department of Philosophy, Institute for the Humanities, Tyumen State University


Category of a “figure” is explored in the paper from the point of view
of its aesthetic capabilities. This kind of method makes assertions about a figure as
a particular type of an image. At that the boarders of the figure, figurative, and “figural”
go further the limits of sculptural embodiment and image of pictorial art. Literary
image is reviewed in respect of its “figural” capabilities. Correlation of the literal and
figurative is conducted against the background of logic and aesthetic-anthropological
rules of sense formation. It is underlined that the aesthetic is not simply opposed
to logic. Dialectics of literal and figurative is represented as one of the main factors of
development of literature, which is detected in opposition of trends, genres and styles of
literature. “Figural” capacities of the image are portrayed as existing as in a figurative
as in a literal utterance. Figural character of the image is reviews by an example of
the fabular plot “The Crow and the Fox”. The fabular texts of J. La Fontaine and
I.A. Krylov are compared; an analogy to cultural, historic, and mental particularities
of deceit perception is drawn.


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