Expression totalitarian corporate culture appears to be commonly
used. Nevertheless, it combines two different sciences: political and cultural studies.
Not coincidentally a dispute arises among scholars: is it right to transfer a notion from
one scientific area to another. The goal we targeted while writing this paper is to prove
that the corporate culture turns to be a manifestation of current totalitarianism, which
spreads not only on the sphere of politics but also on the area of culture. The paper
analyses Russian corporate culture in its infancy: from the 1990th to 2010th. Particular
focus is made on corporate rituals as soon as it’s them which are controlling tools of
management towards office plankton. Personal massages, founded in various Internet
forums are taken as a source base. Participants of those forums present and comment
some manifestations of corporate fascism, which they faced personally. Spelling and style
of massage are kept unchanged.
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