About the author:
Olga V. Zakharova, Cand. Sci. (Phylos.), Head of the Green Solutions Lab Project Office, Associate Professor, Department of State and Municipal Administration, Carbon Measurement Test Area in Tyumen’ Region (FEWZ-2024-0016), University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia;
The article touches upon the topic of figurativity as a form of social
experience expression. The author examines the issue of potential concentration of
social experience in the natural world figures. The study is performed on the basis of
the following materials: mythology, religious and philosophical doctrines of the Orient,
historical research papers, works of art. Concurrently a comparative and historical method
is used. The targets of research are the figures of water-lily and lotus. The uniqueness
of these plants gives rich possibilities to concentrate cosmogonical ideas, views on
the world spatio-temporal design, on religious and moral values, on the other world
and the meaning of human life. The figure of lotus does not only shape, but partially
form social experience in Oriental societies, that is, becomes functional. A conclusion
is made that figurativity with these vegetables objects is used in communities having
a poorly marked individual beginning, undeveloped emotionality, values of meditativeness
and inactivity. The water-lily and lotus attain the figurativity characteristics, namely,
the ability to concentrate, to format information and functionality.