Vesntik TSU. Philology. 2014About the author:
Anna Yu. Shevtsova,Abstract:
The article describes the methodology of terms’ selection for forming and validating terminological corpus of the prescriptive ecological thesaurus of civil aviation. The methods of mathematical statistics, Pearson criterion chi-square in particular, have been used in order to develop the principles of terminological corpus selection. With the help of the criterion we consistently compared five samplings of the terms taken from regulatory documents of the domain under consideration. We compared the samplings twice to confirm their quantitative and qualitative isomorphism. In other words, two types of characteristics were compared: quantitative based on terms’ frequency distribution in the corpus of scientific texts, and qualitative based on correlation of scientific and technical terms in the samplings. The statistical analysis of the samplings proved that the terms’ selection is quantitatively homogeneous by 70% and qualitatively isomorphic by 60%. So, the selection belongs to one entire assembly and may be included in one terminological dictionary. The selected terminological corpus lies within the regulatory paradigm of the considered domain and determines a prescriptive function as the main function of the dictionary modeled. The prescriptive function of the dictionary defines its dominant typological characteristic. Thus, the application of the mathematical statistics method provided the terms selection for the prescriptive ecological thesaurus of civil aviation and defined basic typological characteristics of this dictionary.References:
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