Pragmatic maxims in texts of the party anthem «The Internationale» by A.J.Kotz and E.Luckhardt

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. Philology. 2014

Pragmatic maxims in texts of the party anthem «The Internationale» by A.J.Kotz and E.Luckhardt

About the author:

Dmitriy V. Shapochkin, Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Associate Professor, Department of German Philology, University of Tyumen;, ORCID: 0000-0003-4954-8256


The article studies pragmatic maxims in the Russian and German versions of party anthem “International”. The research is based on the communicative and pragmatic ways of studying a political discourse. The author juxtaposes the Russian version by A.Y. Kotz with the German one by E. Lukhardt from the point of view of ecolinguistics, and draws the conclusion about significant axiological inversions in relaying the semantics of the anthem in different languages and in different cultures. The reasons for axiological inversions are due to the linguistic world image and pragmatic maxims. The initial change in the meaning and negligence of the main goal become even more obvious because of the negative lexical connotations and reconceptualization. The research proves the hypothesis that pragmatic maxims in certain lingucultures are realized in various ways and reflect different levels of social classes in the linguistic world-image.


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