On the linguistic peculiarities of the Russian terminology and its translation into Chinese

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. Philology. 2014

On the linguistic peculiarities of the Russian terminology and its translation into Chinese

Author: Zhu Yu Fu

About the author:

Zhu Yu Fu, Professor, Dean of the Russian Language Department, Qufu Pedagogical University (China); zhuyufu763@sohu.com


In the twenty-first century, with the popularization of information technology and the world economic and cultural integration, various unprecedented activities in the field of international exchanges and inter-cultural communications are being conducted today. In our cultural, economic, trade and other exchanges with Russia, Russian terminology appears with higher and higher frequency. Therefore, the quality of its translation and interpretation will determine whether the international exchanges could achieve a satisfying result. In order to be fully aware of the linguistic features of Russian terminology and to surmount the bottlenecks in its translation, this paper will try to analyze these features through the contrast between Russian and Chinese terminology, discuss their semantic features, core and regular patterns and their associative meanings and give several suggestions for Russian terminology translation.


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