Vesntik TSU. Philology. 2014About the author:
Vera D. Tabanakova, Dr. Sci. (Philol.), Professor, Department of English Philology and Translation, University of Tyumen,; ORCID: 0000-0001-5458-3510Abstract:
This article attempts to present the situation of scientific term translation simulated by linguists, terminologists and specialists in the linguistic and translation theory terms. Linguistic knowledge, based on the laws of language and speech, provides identification of the term in the text and the multi-level analysis of the linguistic form of terminological nominations. Term theory performs the logical, definitional and conceptual analysis of the term. The general and special translation theory knowledge determins the correct translation conducting analysis. You are invited to consider the strategy and tactics of the term translation in the scientific text in two stages: 1) the isolation of terms in the text and 2) translation equivalent search in the dictionary. At the identification stage using the semantic analysis the lexical form decoding tactics is suggested. At the stage of dictionary support the translation tactics are used — translation equivalence search, selection variants conformity and lexical transformations.References:
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