Vesntik TSU. Philology. 2014About the author:
Susanna R. Makerova,Abstract:
The article deals with the messages of a fiction text as a unit of discourse activity of the writer and the reader. Text as a product and result of the discourse activity is the basic unit of the modern linguistic research. The linguistics of text is connected with other sciences, among which semiotics is one of the most essential. The units of the semantic level “denote”, those of the syntactic level “imply” and of the pragmatic “convey”. Semantic meaning is a multilayer, multi component unity. The meaning of the lexemes and grammemes changes and acquires a new content that results in syntactic peculiarities. Notwithstanding the importance of semantics and syntactics as a characteristic of linguistic signs, pragmatics (that focuses on semiotic units and their interpretations) is the most popular in modern research works. The problem of signs - the basic units of semiotics - and their interpretation, popular in modern linguistics, is particularly important within the work of fiction.References:
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