«Crazy hearts»: a female choice in russian «new drama» at the turn of the XX-XXI c. (E. Gremina, Y. Klavdiev, V. Merezhko)

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. Philology. 2014

«Crazy hearts»: a female choice in russian «new drama» at the turn of the XX-XXI c. (E. Gremina, Y. Klavdiev, V. Merezhko)

About the author:

Larisa S. Kislova, Cand. Sci. (Phylol.), Associate Professor, Department of Russian Literature, University of Tyumen; l.s.kislova@utmn.ru


The article is devoted to the phenomenon of female aggression, which is considered under the alternative perspective. Being a masculine space the western context is chosen not by chance. The authors implement traumatized femininity in a distinctly masculine paradigm and enable the gender Another to become apparent. There is pointed feminine mentality, exited from the private sphere of forced underground. The authors embody new and unexpected female characters in their texts, purposefully using female gender identity and modeling the gender Another. The heroines construct their own space, build their own alternative world, and confidently occupy men’s territories. In the plays there is the male canon, which is distinctly contrasted with female one. A warrior woman is a kind of the female victory symbol. Gender stereotypes are sufficiently stable to represent resistant ideas about female and male. Female is traditionally perceived as flexible and dependent; however male is interpreted as uncompromising and bellicose. Experimenting with the concept of femininity, Y. Clavdiev, V. Merezhko, and E. Gremina create a peculiar precedent within the boundaries of “male fields” of Russian “new drama”.


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