«Deaf Rus» in the novel of I.A. Bunin «The Life of Arsenev»

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. Philology. 2014

«Deaf Rus» in the novel of I.A. Bunin «The Life of Arsenev»

About the author:

Tatyana A. Gallyamova, Post-Graduate Student, Department of Russian Literature, Institute of Philology and Journalism, Tyumen State University; tatosi@list.ru


The author describes the image of “deaf Rus” as one of the fundamental patterns characterizing the space of the Russian earth; main meanings of conception “deaf Rus” in literary tradition and in the novel “The life of Arsenev” are found out; features of Bunin’s interpretation are investigated. “Deaf Rus” is represented as an object that we are impressed by and the subject that has its own emotions and can influence a person. It proves the ambivalence of the image of “deaf Rus” that can be at the same time alive and empty, abundant; merry and sad; simple, clear and dark, mysterious; wide, free and close, “own” and “alien”. Peculiarities of Bunin’s word are shown in the work, poetics of feelings is in the center of attention, spatial thought of an author is analyzed, the question about national originality and autobiographical character of the novel are actual. Poetics of feelings is shown brightly in the description of the Russian earth as natural beginning.


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