Vesntik TSU. Philology. 2013About the author:
Kenesar K. Koyshe,Abstract:
The article deals with the processes of interpenetration of languages in the structure of modern Eurasian linguistic identity, reveals the nature of the interference, leading to the appearance of new features in the regional language of the Russian-Kazakh border areas. Russia’s border areas show the south of the Tyumen region, the Kazakh border region — North Kazakhstan. Russian population of the area consistently assimilated representatives of many people living in the study region (Khanty, Mansi, Komi, Kazakhs, Tatars, etc.), showing an example of a complex halfblood population Russian-dominated dominant. On the example of speech local Kazakhs and Russian authors show how the transformation in modern Eurasian linguistic identity of Russian-Kazakh border areas.Keywords:
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