Autopoiesis: system organisation of proper names

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. Philology. 2013

Autopoiesis: system organisation of proper names

About the author:

Andrey N. Belyayev,
Cand. Philol. Sci., Assistant Professor, Foreign Languages Department, Bashkir State Agrarian University


The article describes proper names as a system. The starting point of the research is the notion of autopoetic system. The autopoetic system is defined as the system property to self-construct without violation of its internal structure. The system unity and integrity form relational properties of its elements. A special emphasis is placed on external relations of the system. The environment of proper names is the language system. Qualitative changes of the environment have an effect on proper names. If there is a change at any level of the language system, it is reflected in the system of proper names. The proper names system is related to the language system, they are interconnected structurally. The system of proper names is interlinked with the extralinguistic environment as well. This relation is determined by the nature of a proper name. The proper names systems are realized in different subsystems: anthroponomy, toponomy, etc. A subsystem is formed when its elements belong to proper names. Relying on the notion of the autopoetic system the author comes to the conclusion that the impact of the environment on the proper names system cannot be a determining factor for structural changes of the system.


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