Vesntik TSU. Philology. 2013About the author:
Elena L. Barkhudarova,Abstract:
The paper deals with different aspects of the problem of elaboration of Russian phonetics courses for intermediate and advanced foreign students. The contents and characteristics of such courses may depend upon the native language of the students and their future profession. If the future profession of the students is taken into consideration, courses of Russian phonetics should be founded based both on usual and terminological vocabulary. Courses оf practical phonetics for the students of certain nationality are composed on the basis of results of the comparative investigation of native language system in contrast with the Russian system. The results of contrastive analysis of positional phonetic rules of the first and second language sound systems are an issue of special importance and should be taken into account in the process of composition of courses in practical phonetics. The mistakes, which appear due to positional phonetic rules of the first language system, are characterized by serious steadiness; they may remain in the foreign accent till the last stage of the Russian language studies. The knowledge about the interference of positional rules of native language system in foreign students’ Russian pronunciation gives the possibility of a considerable improvement of methods for teaching Russian phonetics.References:
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