Personality changes of students with Major in psychology during the university education

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. Pedagogy. Psychology. 2014

Personality changes of students with Major in psychology during the university education

About the author:

Rayshat I. Pogorova,
Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Ingush State University (Nazran)


The research is devoted to the verification of hypothesis that positive dynamics of personal maturity is more expressed in students of psychology as compared to students of other professions during the university education. Some factors of personal growth are discussed: motivational support, information and skills equipment and student activity due to the facilitated transformation of self. In the empirical investigation there were 483 university students of different professions and years of study involved. The results show that the period of university education is associated with the personal development of students. Students of psychology show more changes in the direction of personal maturity than students of other professions. Psychology students in different universities show varying degrees of changes in the time of university education in the direction of personal maturity that are conditioned by different cultural contexts of the universities, different concepts of training, specific teacher qualification.


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