About the author:
Vera V. Lemish,
Cand. Sci. (Psychol.), Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Pedagogics and Psychology, F. Dostoevsky Omsk State University
The paper considers assumptions about elder generation as an
important part of gerontology culture, because the content of those assumptions has a
big impact on intergenerational and interpersonal relationships including professional
activity. This research managed to involve 195 social workers who are servicing seniors
and people with disabilities in different social organizations. In order to portray the
images of elderly and old persons, we used 25 psycho-semantic scales characterizing
five psychological dimensions: cognitive, emotional, regulatory, communicative and
moral-spiritual. The scales were developed by the author of the paper based on the
method of Kelly Repertory Grid. The results of the empirical research showed that
a professional experience enables the social workers to differentiate between peculiarities
of elderly and old people well enough. On the other hand, both age groups are
perceived with ageism tendencies. Despite the fact that the image of an elderly person
possesses more positive features than that of senile, both images in overall are not fully
attractive. Negative attitudes, therefore, have a problematic impact on effectiveness
of social services for elderly population and psychological well-being of these people.
In order to overcome the attitude of ageism, social workers need more profound
psychological training directed to developing cognitions and perceptions regarding
ageing as a period of continuing personality development. Besides, it is desirable to build
a directed state social program regarding conditions for realising psychological potential
of senior population.
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