About the authors:
Lyudmila V. Lebedeva,
Cand. Philos. Sci., Associate Professor, Department of General and Social Psychology, Institute of Psychology and Pedagogics, Tyumen State University
Anastasiya F. Slobodenuk,
Student, Institute of Psychology and Pedagogics, Tyumen State University
The article is devoted to the study of event models in the autobiographical discourse which was conducted in the framework of contemporary discursive psychology in humanistic, person-centered and subjective paradigm and has an interdisciplinary nature. The focus of the study is the autobiography of four generations of sociologists of our country, who were to some extent involved into the formation of science and scientific practice throughout the twentieth century. The texts of the biographical interviews were collected by B.Z. Doktorov within the framework of the project «Conversations with sociologists of four generations» and presented in the book «Modern Russian sociology: Historical and biographical search» in 3 vols. (Volume 2: Interviews with sociologists of four generations). The article gives substantiation to the timeliness of topics and the need to develop a tool of analysis formalization for large arrays of texts, which would allow to compare the results of the analysis and receive a comprehensive picture of the depth of the author's reflection; to determine types of event models, their place and role in the real-life and professional experience. The article describes the results of the contextual content analysis of an event in the autobiographical discourse. It shows that there are certain.
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