About the authors:
Olga V. Gurova,
Senior Psychologist, Federal State Institute of Criminal-Executive Inspection of General Directorate of Federal Service of Execution of Punishment in Perm krai (Perm)
Olga V. Kruzhkova,
Cand. Psychol. Sci., Associate Professor, Ural State Pedagogical University
The problem of emergence and spread of the school graphical vandalism in the educational environment is discussed in the article. Analysis of the specificity of its contents, which are characterized on the basis of seven types of vandal images
having different motivation-need basis for their creation by a teenager (as a marker of interpersonal relationships; identification symbols; personal expression; symbols of social and regressive orientation; symbols that reflect actual deprived needs; spontaneous schematic drawings as projections of state and emotions; informational signs, mainly of delinquent character). The localization of types of vandal image specific topics is analyzed in public and private areas of schools. It is found out that the most delinquent images appear in places, that create a sense of privacy and provide maximum anonymity for the author. On the basis of the presented typology of images that have a vandal character the functions of school graphical vandalism (communicative function, the function of expression, the protest, the function of social identification,
the information function, the reflection of social stereotypes) are identified.
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