About the authors:
Irina V. Vorobyeva,
Cand. Psychol. Sci., Associate Professor, Ural State Pedagogical University
Olga V. Kruzhkova,
Cand. Psychol. Sci., Associate Professor, Ural State Pedagogical University
The phenomenon of vandal behavior in terms of representation in the most typical for vandalism age groups — teenagers and young people — is described, and it is assumed that the determination of readiness to commit vandal acts is lain at an earlier age of ontogenetic development of a person. For instance, preschool and primary school age periods are characterized by the formation of ideas about the world of things, the completion of the forms of possible actions with them, as well as awareness of social norms and rules that govern these processes. In addition, during these periods the child is included in the system of multi-level social interaction, which also regulates certain patterns of behavior in relation to private or public property. A particular attention is paid to the problem of the child’s interaction with the world of things, his or her willingness to commit vandal acts, such behavior being conditioned by the specificity of parent-child relationship by the example of primary school age. It is shown that certain types of destructive family upbringing, such as rejection, symbiosis,distancing a child can contribute to a child’s readiness to commit vandal actions on objects of public or private property.
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