Semantic transformation accompanying the formation of religious fanaticism

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. Pedagogy. Psychology. 2014

Semantic transformation accompanying the formation of religious fanaticism

About the author:

Yulia M. Vlasova,
Post-graduate Student, Department of General and Social Psychology, Institute of Psychology and Pedagogics, Tyumen State University


The article is devoted to the phenomenon of religious fanaticism. It considers basic concepts of fanaticism. The author notes the need for the description of personality transformations, which can give an explanation, in which religious fanaticism is sustainable. The author describes changes undergone by a person in the process of formation and growth of fanatical religious position. Personality changes are presented in the form of semantic transformations. The transformation illustarted
reflects personality changes as a leader, a fanatic, which are characterized by the transformation of identity, and also as an ordinary fanatic, described through the phenomenon of delegation of subjectivity. A mechanism for the substitution of internal
personal support by religious foundations is described. It is also shown that a change in attitude to people with different ideological positions takes place, which is a consequence of the rigid ideological position. Benefits of a fanatical religious position are disclosed. According to the author, the semantic transformation described can be diagnozed as a disorder.


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