Vesntik TSU. Pedagogy. Psychology. 2013About the author:
Tatyana A. Fugelova,Abstract:
The fast changes in the modern society require specialists who are able to analyze constantly the changing socio-economical conditions, to find and realize innovative ways in the market competition, to overcome stereotypes in the solution of problems concerning not only professional, but also a private life. Training of specialists capable of reactions to all the changes taking place in the society and the professional sphere is the major problem of modern vocational education. Scientific and methodological maintenance of the formation of students’ professional mobility is reflected in the sphere of work associated with the formation of students’ creativity and liability, awareness and acceptance a person in the profession; students should be able to adapt to professional activities and know how to organize, develop and improve their skills and build their career; in addition, they should master the techniques of self-development using a design process. The integration of students’ knowledge is the key for a quick adaptation to the conditions of the future professional activity and the possibility of self-realization as specialists.Keywords:
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