The experience of sociocultural competence formation in project activities (on the example of a foreign language)

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. Pedagogy. Psychology. 2013

The experience of sociocultural competence formation in project activities (on the example of a foreign language)

About the author:

Natalya G. Muravjeva,
Senior lecturer, Department of Foreign languages and Cross-cultural communication for Humanities, Tyumen State University


The article describes the experience of forming social competence, ensuring the formation of a learner as a meaningful subject of socio-cultural educational environment in accordance with new requirements for specialists training. The contentcomponent structure of the socio-cultural competence is developed, revealing the intensity of the studied phenomenon at low, medium and high levels of its formation. The procedure of the gradual sociocultural competence formation of university students is described in project activities on the basis of the mechanisms of meaning-making. Stages of social competence formation are correlated with the stages of meaning-making. The paper presents a specially designed set of socio-cultural problem-tasks and projects developed on the basis of hermeneutics, problem and role methods. An authoring system criterion-standard evaluation of social competence formation is revealed. The main result of socio-cultural competence formation is the high level of interest to other cultures, the ability and willingness for the intercultural dialogue in online interaction, and the formation of the value and meaning of personality orientations.


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