The formation of info-communicative competence of technical college students

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. Pedagogy. Psychology. 2013

The formation of info-communicative competence of technical college students

About the author:

Anastasia A. Melikhova,
Lecturer, Foreign Languages Department, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University


The article covers methodical peculiarities of organizing the educational process in a technical college in the conditions of a new information society. The psychology-pedagogical mechanism and the technology of information communicative competence formation on the basis of ideas of semantics, hermeneutics and a text activity are shown. The examples of the tasks realized in practice for the information-communicative competence formation of students of a technical college are given. The author presents the ways of modeling educational environment based on the integration of traditional teaching methods and the information-communication technologies (virtual laboratories, podcasts, audio-forums, concordance technology, clouds of words, a social network group, the course of moodle), providing the best conditions for the information and communication competence formation. To diagnose the level of information and communication competence (low, average, above average, high) four criteria were developed: cognitive, communicative and activity, values and semantics, reflexive and assessment.


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