Vesntik TSU. Pedagogy. Psychology. 2013About the author:
Natalia N. Malyarchuk, Dr Sci. (Ped.), Cand. Sci. (Med.), Professor, Tyumen State University; malarchuknn@rambler.ruAbstract:
The school factors having negative impact on health grounds of children and teenagers are analyzed. The intensification of educational process is presented as an objective situation of information society. As the negative elements of reforming Russian school, the following ideas are considered: discrepancy of techniques and technologies of training to age, sexual and functional abilities of learners and drawbacks in the organization of children’s physical activity. The special emphasis is paid to the insufficient efficiency of an explanatory and illustrative method of teaching while forming pupils’ healthy lifestyle skills. The role of insufficient teachers’ literacy in issues concerning pupils’ health and negative influence of “stressful” pedagogical activity on pupils’ health are shown. The problem of pupils’ right violation in the sphere of medical services as a result of absence of pediatricians at schools is considered. Activities on preservation children’s health at the level of the ministries and departments functionally responsible for providing, preservation and development of younger generation health are presented.References:
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