Actualization of the exological deontology potential in science education of humanitarian students

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. Pedagogy. Psychology. 2013

Actualization of the exological deontology potential in science education of humanitarian students

About the author:

Sergey B. Ignatov, Cand. Sci. (Ped.), Assistant Professor, Department of Humanitites and Technologies, Industrial University of Tyumen;


Science education is a significant factor in the formation of ecological legal competence of graduates. It is becoming an integral component of the personality lifestyle in the changing conditions of the transition to sustainable development. Reduction in the level of training in science education of humanitarian students of universities is noted in the article. The author believes that the use of specially developed methodological tools concerning the content of education may be one of the ways to solve the problem. These tools are aimed at actualization of the ecological deontology potential. The proposed system includes a set of elective integrated courses and interdisciplinary modules implementing cognitive, educational and developmental opportunities of environmental deontology. Experimental verification of the system showed its role in the educational process, because it enriches the content of natural scientific, ecological, general and professional education of graduates. It also expands their socio-cultural space and contributes to the level of students’ ecological-legal competence.


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