Vesntik TSU. Pedagogy. Psychology. 2013About the author:
Alfiya F. Zakirova, Dr. Sci. (Ped.), Professor, Academic Department of Methodology and Theory of Social and Educational Research, University of Tyumen; a.fagalovna@mail.ruAbstract:
The article deals with the problem of combining the scientific and nonscientific blocks of human knowledge in the formation of a teacher’s spiritual culture from the perspective of hermeneutics. While interpreting educational phenomena, the application of scientific methods of study with artistic and aesthetic view on the teaching process is not enough if you want to gain spiritual vision and cognitive tuning as spiritual creativity. The article draws the readers’ attention to the fact that spiritual component in contemporary education is frequently neglected. The author shows the focus of the classics of pedagogy on the study of a child’s internal nature and spiritual elements of a teacher’s activity. Productive humanistic ideas to apprehend pedagogical phenomena represented in the world religions — Judaism, Christianity and Islam — are revealed. The role of interfaith dialogue in real life from humanistic point of view is explained. The author justifies the necessity of syncretic link of different methods of creative understanding of pedagogical reality in the educational process and warns against the absolutization in the official pedagogy of gnoseology and arbitrary application of related science tools to pedagogy.References:
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