Vesntik TSU. Pedagogy. Psychology. 2013About the author:
Vladimir I. Zagvyazinskiy,Abstract:
The article reveals the discrepancy of the educational policy and the educational reform practice of the traditional humane and personal paradigm of education and a perspective social and personal cultural attitude to innovative transformations in the educational sphere. The variety of paradigmatic approaches due to multi-functionality of modern education is revealed, but, unlike supporters of multi-paradigmatic approach, the author insists on the need to highlight leading ideas and attitudes in the unified social and personal paradigm, defining possibilities of transition to advancing education, ensuring key positions, human and social resources of the development of social and economic, socio-cultural, scientific, administrative and other society spheres. The author proves the necessity to ensure and take into account not only personal, but economic and social efficiency of education as well. Economy, education and culture are closely connected and interdependent social spheres. The lag of one of them slows down progressive development of other society spheres as a whole. On the other hand, the advance stimulates their development and the society as a whole.Keywords:
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