Vesntik TSU. Pedagogy. Psychology. 2013About the author:
Sergey N. Degtyarev,Abstract:
The possibility of creating cognitive educational technology on the basis of ontological approach and the use of information computer technologies is theoretically proved. Ontology as a method of engineering knowledge shows the model of organization of the information resources necessary for creation of individual information and activity trajectory of training, and on its basis — the process of management of educational — and — cognitive activity of pupils is described. The features of cognitive educational technology as a method of development of mental and creative abilities through formation. The use of test cards for the entry assessment of knowledge and their opportunity in the formation of a pupil’s individual informative trajectory are described as a new technology element. The author shows the option of partial replacement of a teacher’s training role with a computer program as an intellectual system providing the management of a pupil’s educational and informative activity with the use of information databases (electronic resources).Keywords:
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