Models of personal meaningful experience development in the learning process

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. Pedagogy. Psychology. 2013

Models of personal meaningful experience development in the learning process

About the author:

Eugenia G. Belyakova, Dr Sci. (Ped.), Professor, Academic Department of Methodogy and Theory of Social and Pedagogical Research, Tyumen State University;


The article deals with the personal meaningful experience as the central in the whole experience and analyses the problem of its development in education. Meaningful experience does not only reflect the way of understanding the world and human self-understanding, but also generates meaningful forms of activity, focused on current and long-term goals. The basic form of the crystallization of personal meaningful experience is adduced. In reliance on the idea of polymodality of meaning and possibility of its representation in different sign systems the author discusses the problem of constructing meaningful experience on the basis of several structural components (subject-gnostic, affective and evaluative activity-practical). The current educational models are examined in the aspect of making conditions for the personal meaningful experience development. The article involves foreign and domestic studies of psychological and pedagogical aspects of the personal meaningful experience formation, examines the experience of adult education. It characterizes the role of the personal meaningful experience in education as the basis of the subjective activity.


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