Vesntik TSU. History. 2014About the authors:
Stanislav N. Sinegubov, Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Professor, University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia;,
The article gives the historiographic analysis of the latest prominent generalized research on the colonial policy of Kaiser Germany of the well-known German historian Horst Gründer. In spite of the fact that it became just one more drop in the ocean of the existing literature on this issue, this work wasn’t lost in it, but otherwise it kept its scientific originality. So this work drew attention of many professionals and fans of History in Germany and all over the world. H. Gründer’s book is distinguished by the comprehensive approach to the studied questions and their deep development. It is not surprising as the scientist generalized not only his own long-term and fruitful researches in the field of history of the colonial policy of Kaiser Germany, but also the data collected by historiographers of many European countries and the USA. At the same time the scientific character of the German historian’s work is combined with the principle of «availability» for wide readers’ audience that was also achieved by the language style and the illustrative material. Despite all obvious advantages H. Gründer’s research has also some shortcomings which are described in the article.Keywords:
1. Istoriia germanskogo kolonializma v Afrike [The history of German colonialism in Africa]. Moscow, 1983. 412 p. (in Russian).
2. Gründer, H. Geschichte der deutschen Kolonien. Paderborn, 2012. 336 s.
3. Gründer, H. Christlichen Heilbotschaft und westlichen Macht. Studien zum Verhaltnis von Mission und Kolonialismus. Gesammelte Aufsatze. Münster, 2004. 304 s.
4. Gründer, H. «…da und dort ein junges Deutschland gründen. Rassismus, Kolonien und kolonialer Gedanken vom 16 bis zum 20 Jahrhundert». Münster, 2006. 386 s.
5. Gründer, H. Deutsche Kolonien. Traum und Trauma. Münster, 2007. 488 s.
6. Gründer, H. Christliche Mission und deutscher Imperialismus. Eine politische Geschichte ihrer Beziehungen während der deutschen Kolonialzeit (1884-1914). Paderborn, 1982. 444 s.
7. Gründer, H. Welteroberung und Christentum. Ein Handbuch zur Geschichte der Neuzeit. Gütersloh, 1992. 715 s.
8. Gründer, H. Eine Geschichte der europäischen Expansion. Von Entdeckern und Erobern zum Kolonialismus. Stuttgart; Darmstadt, 2003. 192 s.
9. Shilov, S.P. Kaizerovskii voenno-morskoi flot i Rossiia: ot idei germano-russkogo soiuza k konfrontatsii v 1897-1914 gg. [Keiser Naval Forces and Russia: from the idea of the German and Russian union to the confrontation in 1897-1914]. Tyumen, 2004. 144 p. (in Russian).
10. Sinegubov, S.N. “War threat” syndrome as a constant factor of the German and English relations in 1904-1911. Izvestiia Altaiskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta — Bulletin of Altai State University. 2009. №4/1 (64/1). Pp. 202-210. (in Russian).
11. Sinegubov, S.N. The Fleet novella and the idea of agreement in the German and English relations in December of 1911 to January 1912. Vestnik Tiumenskogo gosudarstvennogo
universiteta — Tyumen State University Herald. 2012. № 2. Pp. 41-46. (in Russian).
12. Fokin, S.V. «drang nakh Afrika»: kolonial'naia politika Germanii (konets XIX — 30-e gody XX v.) [Drang nach Afrika: colonial policy of Germany (end of 19th cent. — 1930s of the 20th cent.). Moscow, 2003. 168 p. (in Russian).
13. Sinegubov, S.N. Uporstvo protiv sily: germano-angliiskoe morskoe protivostoianie v 1900-1914 gg. [Persisting the force: the German and English naval opposition in 1900-1914]. Tyumen, 2009. 608 p. (in Russian).