Echoes of the era of «Siberian hold»: the Volkovs from the village Volkovo on the lake Volkovo

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. History. 2014

Echoes of the era of «Siberian hold»: the Volkovs from the village Volkovo on the lake Volkovo

About the author:

Galina Y. Koleva,
Dr. Hist. Sci., Associate Professor, History and Culture Study Department, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University


The subject of the study is representatives of the Cossacks in Western Siberia — service class people, the Volkovs. The objective of the study is to trace the destiny of the family started by one of the service class people who came to WesterSiberia in the beginning of the land development, and to identify the causes of longterm existance of one of the villages near Tobolsk, which originally had a status of an possessary village and wore the name of its owner. The author comes to the conclusion that the Volkovo has become one of the few villages near Tobolsk that was inhabited by the first service class people and has existed for many centuries. The Volkovs until the middle of the XIX century, were actively involved in the management structure of the territory, but since the second half of the century they had been living in the village. It was the time of the population growth that hadn’t been seen for three centures. The periods of military service did not contribute to the growth of the population in the village. The long-term existence of the Volkov family was caused by the predominance of male birth. After the military service in Omsk the Volkov Cossacks became the part of the Omsk Cossacks. The analysis of the history of only one family of Volkovs demonstrates involvement of the first Cossacks in formation of the population and in the land development.


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