Vesntik TSU. History. 2014About the authors:
Viktor P. Karpov, Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Professor, Department of Humanities and Technologies, Industrial University of Tyumen; 7654321.58@mail.ruAbstract:
Implementation of West Siberian oil and gas project (WSOGP) has hurt and significantly reshaped the interests of leading powers of the world with a great impact on the economic system and political relations. At the same time cooperation in oil and gas sphere between USSR and the West had the opposite, very significant impact on the development of WSOGP, the Soviet Union and modern Russia. The article considers the possibilities and limitations of international cooperation in the oil and gas sphere, causes and consequences of the shift in the Soviet structure of oil and gas export which happened in the 1960s and 1980s. The article introduces to Western political concepts regarding cooperation with the East. Each change of concepts West — East more or less affected the participation of foreign countries in development of Siberian oil and gas resources. Interest in a lowcost nature resources and guaranteed supplies pushed the West to release credits for development of Siberian fields. A stabilizing factor in the relations East — West appeared with the expansion of international cooperation in development of Siberian oil and gas fields. Tyumen North drew into the orbit of the world's economic and political relations. What is more, positive and negative consequences of international cooperation in the energy.Keywords:
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