Advert of tlingit Indians to the Russian intellectual culture at the American period

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. History. 2014

Advert of tlingit Indians to the Russian intellectual culture at the American period

About the author:

German M. Kapalin,


Tlingit Indians, part of the indigenous people in Alaska, during the period of its entry into Russia, were hostile to the Russian people and to their faith — Orthodoxy. But two decades after the sale of Alaska to the United States there was a mass adoption of Orthodox faith by the Tlingit. The initiative was taken by the Tlingit. The reason for this was the desire of the people to maintain cultural independence in conditions of uncompromising Americanization, conducted by the new authorities and representatives of the Presbyterian Church. In 1886 52 Indians have been baptized, including two influential leaders, and then for several years almost half of the Tlingit people of Alaska adopted Orthodoxy. Since that time, many Orthodox churches had appeared. For spiritual guidance of the Tlingit people Orthodox priests were assigned as a rule. They conducted not only missionary work, but also helped the autochthons to preserve their language and culture.


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