Vesntik TSU. History. 2013About the author:
The problem of the origin of the assistant clerk of the grand duke of the first third of XVI century up to this date is not enough studied in our national historiography. The main studies are dedicated to the clerk of the grand duke. The Authors agree that “a clerk” and “an assistant clerk” are of the same origin. On the grounds of the analysis of assembly and business documents, books with the descriptions of the immovable property, class and ambassadorial books author reconstructed the personnel of the assistant clerks of the period. On the grounds of prosopographic method in the environment of the assistant clerk the noble layer is found; the group of hereditary clerks, whose fathers served as clerks or assistant clerks; the group formed from the “democratic” layer of the population — the clergy, the townsfolk, the palace servants. To the last category author refers also the assistant clerks, whose social origin can’t be found out. To sum up, the author came to the conclusion that basically assistant clerk’s origin of this period is from the “democratic” layer of the population. The layer of the noble among assistant clerks was not great in comparison with clerks who were mostly from the noble. The resistless barrier did not exist between assistant clerks and clerks. A part of assistant clerks became clerks. However, in the first place the assistant clerks from the noble class raised their social status.References:
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