Zoomorphic images in the mythology of the northern Altai: the problem of ethnic and cultural contacts of the peoples of Siberia

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. History. 2013

Zoomorphic images in the mythology of the northern Altai: the problem of ethnic and cultural contacts of the peoples of Siberia


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This article research results the character of folklore of northern altains. The subject for the study were the dogs, bears and waterfowls. The above images are observed in the folklore of the neighboring nations. Study of folklore neighboring folks showed that such materials have Selkup, Khanty and Mansi. Modern studies of historical anthropology and genetics have reported an association between the northern altains and Samoyed peoples origin. Our study shows that motifs associated with the dog in the epos of northern altains occupy a peripheral position. Artistic image of a bear in the folklore of the northern altains ambiguous. In some myths northern altains bear is a creature of Kuday (God). In some ceremonies observed relationship bear with the lower world. Analysis of waterfowl showed a clearer situation. In the folklore of northern altains of birds is the Creator of the Earth. Comparing folklore northern Altains with Finno-Ugric mythology, we concluded, he refers to the «Samoyed cluster».


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