Professors of the imperial Tomsk university in the service of justice

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. History. 2013

Professors of the imperial Tomsk university in the service of justice

About the author:

Evgeniy A. Krestyannikov,
Associate Professor, Department of Homeland History, Institute for the Humanities, Tyumen State University


Teachers-scientists of the university in pre-revolutionary Tomsk assisted the public institutions including and the judicial ones. Their participation in the life of Siberian legal system at the late XIX–XX early centuries was performed in several ways. One of them included the training of qualified personnel by the faculty of law for the justice of territory. The idea of improving the judicial system and the legal procedure was actualized through the Tomsk legal society. There professors along with legal practitioners debated urgent questions of the theory and practice of law and also worked out recommendations for the improvement of legal process, which, however, were not taken into consideration by the State authority. The judicial service was mainly carried out by the Honorable World Judges, but inconvenience of this social duty, shortcomings of the court system and a great deal of their own activities brought the quality of the justice down. Some educational specialists had a successful work experience as officials of the State before their career in the university. On the whole, at the end of XIX century favorable conditions were created for collaboration of the justice and the faculty, which fruitfulness was obstructed by the strained relationships between the State and the society.


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