B.F. Porshnev on the early literary works of Paul de Gondi

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. History. 2013

B.F. Porshnev on the early literary works of Paul de Gondi

About the author:

Tamara N. Kondratyeva,
Cand. Hist. Sci., Associate Professor, Department of Document Keeping and Document Management, Institute for the Humanities, Tyumen State University


The article deals with the Boris Porshnev`s interpretation of the first Paul de Gondi`s work “The Conspiracy of the Count DzhanluidzhideiFieski”. The article shows that Boris Porshnev began his French researches writing a forword and some commentaries for the supposed publication of “Memoires” written by cardinal de Retz, Pual de Gondi. Boris Porshnev always emphasized that his intererst to Fronde and national rebellions comes from the study of these “Memoires”. Earl Boris Porshnev`s manuscripts give us the opportunity to correct his later sociological and Marxist assessments of these “Memoires” as a mere collection of amusing stories and historical anecdotes. The article analyzes the content of three copies of the future forward. Unlike his contemporary Maskardy, who considered Fiesky to be a rebel, Gondi, as Boris Porshnev remarks, was a fighter for freedom agaisnttyrany. Boris Porshnev supposed, that the Gondi`s manuscript caught the eye of the Cardianl Richelieu and became the reason of Gondi`s fall into disgrace and of his future misfortunes.


1. Kondrat'eva, T.N. When did Boris Fedorovich Porshnev become the franklearner? Evropa. Mezhdunarodnyj al'manah — Europe. The international literary miscellany. 2012 (in Russian).

2. Kondrat'eva, T.N. The archival certificates on the academic activity of B.F. Porshnev (the end of 1920s — middle of the 1930s). Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta — Bulletin of Tomsk state university. 2010. No. 332 (in Russian).

3. Porshnev, B.F. How did I work in the US on the book on the history of France of the XVII century. Evropa. Mezhdunarodnyj al'manah — Europe. The international literary miscellany. Issue 3 (in Russian).

4. Rossijskij Gosudarstvennyj Arhiv Literatury i Iskusstva [Russian state archive of literature and art]. F. 629 (in Russian).

5. Rossijskaja gosudarstvennaja biblioteka. Otdel rukopisej (RGB OR) [Russian state library. The department of manuscripts (further RSL OR)]. F. 684. B. 8. D. 3. Materialy poistorii Francii (vypiski, zametki, bibliografija) [Data on the history of France (thesis of the report, the program of the special course. Bibliography, extracts)] (in Russian).

6. RSL OR. F. 684. B. 8 D. 10. Data on the history of France (extracts, notes, bibliography, outlines for the works) 1940 s. (in Russian)

7. RSL OR. F. 684. B. 8. D. 4. Kardinal de Rec i Fronda [The cardinal de Rec and Frond] (in Russian).

8. RSL OR. F. 684. B. 9. D. 11. Materialy po istorii Francii (zametki, vypiski, bibliografija) [Data on the history of France (notes, extracts, bibliography)] 1950 s. (in Russian)

9. RSL OR. F. 684, B. 8. D. 8. Materialy po istorii Francii (vypiski, zametki, bibliografija) [Data on the history of France (extracts, notes, bibliography)]. 1930s. Autograph. The Russian and French languages (in Russian).

10. Vipper, U.B. “Memoirs” of the cardinal de Rec. Kardinal de Rec. Memuary — Cardinal de Rec. Memoirs. M.: Ladomir, 1997 (in Russian).

11. Kardinal de Rec. Memuary [Cardinal de Rec. Memoirs]. M.: Ladomir, 1997 (in Russian).

12. Mascardi, A. La congivra del conte Gio. Lvigi de' Fieschi. Venezia, 1629.