Russian arctic: challanges and responses

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. History. 2013

Russian arctic: challanges and responses

Authors: Viktor P. Karpov,

About the authors:

Viktor P. Karpov, Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Professor, Department of Humanities and Technologies, Industrial University of Tyumen;



An attempt to reveal the main objectives of the Russian government and ways of attaining them in the main periods of the Arctic exploration is maid. Penetration in Siberia by russians increased economic and political significance of Russia. The idea of a powerful «Siberian rear», creation of large economic potential of the region can be traced back to the government’s plans in the ХIХ and especially in the ХХ century, although the industrialization of the macro-region due to its immense space was of local character: gradually, from the west to the east, socio-economic large-scale projects of national importance were realized. The basic tendency to the development of Russian North during the entire ХХ century was solution to national problems associated with the growth of the economic potential of the country, increasing its military and defense capability. Not every Soviet experience can be applied in modern Russia, but actuality of the ideas of complex development of the productive forces is not in doubt. They are especially important for the Arctic regions. The modern development problems of the high latitudes areas of the Russian Federation are considered as well as the attempts of the conceptualization of State Northern policy. The necessity of rebirth of the Northern Sea Route was proven.


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